Top 10k strings from Crystals of Doom (1985)(Time Assasin)[a].tzx
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2 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ~)~>~T~\~l~ 1 twy!twz*tw{3t|v<t}vBt}vHt}vNt}vTt~ 1 rsv!rsx'rs 1 qsN$qsP*qsQ0qsR6qsR<qsRBqsSHqsUNqsVTqsWZqsX`qsYfqsZlqsZ{qsZ 1 ps-'ps1-ps53ps5:ps5Aps6Gps6Pps6Vps6\ps8bps9hps9nps:tps:zps: 1 Ul)(Yl*(_l*(pl7 1 TA:C OF D Yn 1 TA:C OF D 1 Intro 1 INTRO 1 Hmd-Mmd-Wmd5^md?bmdQgmdUlmdUvmdV}mdV 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 Doom 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"STOP TAPE": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY ... START THE TAPE" 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS Y/N ?" 1 .ne-3ne-=ne5Dne?HneQMneURneU\neVcneVmne]tne 1 "SAVE:saves position in a game LOAD:used to recall a saved gameLOOK(L):describes location(text)PICTURE(P)describes location (picture then text) VERB:lists all verbs understood" 1 " You, as a Time Assassin, must locate and terminate these Bandits, recovering the crystalsbefore they cause irreperable damage. Your only weapon is a Psi-Gun. It is loaded with threecharges. It is up to you to adapt to your surroundings. ODRAM VI 2471A.D." 1 " Unfortunately, as in all ages, there is a group of criminals, known as the Time Bandits, who attempt to controvene this law. It is there wish to alter the flow of time for personal gain." 1 " Travelling through strange and wonderful lands I will act as your five senses. You can tell me where you want to go, what objects you want to carry and what, if anything, you wish to do with them." 1 " Three of these Bandits have stolen power crystals and fled to different time zones. Each crystal is capable of destroyinga small city." 1 " The year is 2471A.D. Star-shipstravel faster than light, hungeris a thing of the past and the time barrier has been broken. Tourists watch the years from inconspicous machines( referred to in the C20th as U.F.O.s ). THE FIRST LAw OF TIME IS NEVER INTERFERE." 1 " SPECIAL COMMANDS ARE:-" 1 " I only understand two word commands and the first four letters of any single word. Thusall verbs and nouns can be abbreviated to this length." 1 " A TIME ASSASSIN ADVENTURE" 1 " CRYSTALS OF DOOM" 1 CRYSTALS OF DOOM 1 BY PAUL SERBERT